5 Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a feeling of dread kids and adults feel when it is time to see a dentist. Sedation dentistry helps, but do you know there are other easy ways to soothe those nerves? Here are 5 practical ways to stay calm when visiting a dentist in Mt. Pleasant. First, get answers to common questions such as what are the types of dental sedation and is dental sedation safe?

What Is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation is a medical ‘treatment a dentist in Charleston provides to help patients with dental anxiety relax during checkups and treatment. Also called 'sedation dentistry', it involves giving the patient sedative medication to keep them calm and comfortable while receiving dental care.

Types of Dental Sedation

There are various levels and types of dental sedation. Those commonly used are nitrous oxide, oral sedation, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia. Nitrous oxide, also called ‘laughing gas', is a mild sedative inhaled via the nostrils. Oral sedation is moderate sedation given as a pill or liquid. Patients treated with nitrous oxide or oral sedation remain awake during treatment.

Intravenous (IV) sedation is used for deep sedation. The medicine is administered as an injection for deep relaxation, but the patient remains conscious. General anesthesia makes the patient unconscious and is reserved only for certain surgical procedures.

Is Dental Sedation Safe?

Sedation by a dentist is generally safe when administered by one with the appropriate license, training, and experience. As with any medical procedure, there is a minimal risk of complications. Your dentist will consider your age, medical history, and dental needs when deciding if sedation is the right for you.

5 Easy Ways to Manage Dental Anxiety

1. Practice self-compassion

Self-compassion here means talking to and treating yourself the way you would a friend who has dental anxiety. Have a kind word with yourself whenever those symptoms of anxiety surface. Accept the uncomfortable emotions and allow them to pass without negative self-judgment. Replace negative self-talk, e.g., “I can’t do this,” with positive self-affirmations, e.g., “It’s okay to feel this way,” or “I got this.”

2. Embrace distraction methods

Distraction techniques work by diverting your attention away from anxiety symptoms and what your dentist is doing. Listening to soft relaxation music and deep breathing are two anxiety-calming techniques. Some patients find a stress ball, fidget gadget, or virtual reality device soothing. Taking slow, deep breaths is effective for other patients. Deep breathing increases oxygen levels in your body which helps calm your nervous system.

3. Bring a loved one with you

Visiting your family dentist in Charleston or Mount Pleasant solo may feel scary. Bring a trusted friend or family member to provide emotional support. The person can engage you in light-hearted chats or even hold your hand during treatment. They will know what to say to encourage and reassure you. Remember to ask your dentist if it’s okay to have your loved one present during your visit. Note that you will need someone to drive you home if you receive IV sedation. Similarly, you can be your child’s emotional support if they are a pediatric patient with dental anxiety.

4. Consider dental sedation

Talk to your dentist near me about your dental anxiety. Ask "Is dental sedation safe and right for me?" Your dentist will ask you certain questions before deciding if and what types of dental sedation may work for you. Suitable candidates for sedation dentistry include those with a persistent fear of the dentist (Dentophobia). Similarly, those who experience fear or nervousness about dental tools and procedures, needles, or have a low pain threshold.

5. Choose the right dentist

Do your homework when searching for a sedation dentist near me. Verify their qualifications and whether they are experienced in treating patients using various types of dental sedation. Another important trait is being patient and empathetic toward patients with dental anxiety. You will have peace of mind knowing your dentist is qualified, compassionate, and trusted by their patients.

CHS Dental Your Trusted Anxiety Dentist in Mt. Pleasant

Dental sedation is available to patients with dental anxiety seeking general, family, cosmetic, or restorative dentistry. You’ll be in the safe hands of Dr. Alex Kusek, our certified IV sedation dentist in Mt. Pleasant. Dr. Kusek is kind, patient, and understanding and looks forward to providing all your smiles services in a safe and relaxed environment. Call 843-884-2021 to schedule an appointment or do so online.

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We look forward to meeting you.Call 843-884-2021 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.